Thru Tubing Dynamometer - Reidoz Engineering
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Thru Tubing Dynamometer

Automated Testing for Thru Tubing Motors .

Thru Tubing Dynamometer

The Dynoz Thru Tubing dynamometer has been designed to accommodate drilling motors ranging in size from 1 11/16” – 3 ½” OD.  The Dynoz dynamometer (Dyno) has been developed specifically for the “Thru-Tubing” industry and was designed to support the growing global demand for reliability in testing, in this specialty field.

Reidoz Engineering customs builds every dyno to suite the specific needs of each of their client’s. Reidoz Engineering realizes that no two operating environments are the same and therefore approaches each of its designs according to the operating environment the dyno will be used.

The Dynoz CD-121 is extremely user friendly with added benefits such as automatic testing programs that allow more consistent and repeatable tests. This is a reliable way to compare pre and post motor performance by repeating the same consistent parameter tests before and after every job. This can also be used as a standard across multiple locations as a means to standardizing testing procedures, as this function was initially intended.  

The team at Reidoz Engineering pride themselves on their after sales support offering 24/7 global technical support. Unlike other suppliers of dyno’s, Reidoz Engineering considers technical support an absolute priority and they back that promise up. In the unlikely event that you experience a major breakdown Reidoz Engineering promises to have a competent Dyno expert at your facility within 24-48hrs (flights pending). However most issues can often be resolved/troubleshoot via the internet from their engineering support team back in Perth, Australia. 

The Dynoz CD-121 has been 100% designed and fabricated in Australia using globally recognized parts from both US & GERMANY. Reidoz Engineering is a proud to offer this new and exciting product to the market and on request is more than happy to produce referrals from clients already using the Dynoz CD-121